Saturday, March 26, 2011

About this blog

    As the title of site suggests, this blog will revolve around identifying social, economic, civil, or political troubles that exist, breaking these issues down to their core problems, and engaging in dialogue to find effective suggestions on how to fix them.  Unfortunately, numerous issues exist throughout the world, and they quickly become politicized with given ideologies that often fail to accept compromise.  These ideologies become convinced that there way is the only way, and other suggestions that even question one aspect of their viewpoint get shot down immediately.  Due to this, I hope to discuss issues with as little bias as possible; I know it is impossible to not have my views come out when discussing issues like these, but nevertheless, I hope to detach myself as effectively as possible.

    To assist with this, I hope to to receive as much feedback from other people in the course of getting my thoughts down in writing.  I realize that many people would say very politicized comments, others may just be trolling, but any legitimate remarks I will take for what they worth.  Any suggestions that I may propose are by no means set in stone;  I do not consider myself to be an expert in a certain field.  My views are subject to change as I gain more knowledge on an issue and find find the best way to move forward.

With that, I invite anyone to leave comments with various issues areas or their own personal view on anything in general.


  1. nice, looking forward to more posts

  2. Good luck with writing your blogs! I like the way you write, therefor i am following you from now on! Cheers!

  3. I'm interested in seeing your views on things.

  4. Good luck with your blog, waiting for it ;)

  5. Welcome! looking forward to seeing more

  6. nice topic you choosed. i wish you good luck in succeding with your blog, will follow for more updates
